An interview with Stephanie Spence by Ryan Stride Beyond the book- The Peace Dimension is about bringing people together. It’s time to hear the voices of those with a positive message to share and their own wisdom. Stephanie Spence is the celebrated author of Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat, as well as a regular contributor to many Yoga publications. A modern day Yogini and a certified Yoga teacher, she comes across as a woman who has really used her training to nurture her through her own life journey. She is committed to sharing what she has learned with others in need. A thought leader, writer and inspirational speaker; I am sure there's a lot more to Stephanie beyond what her bio and profile reads. Something about her just gave me that sixth sense feeling that here’s someone who should be heard especially in this time of global crisis. Ryan Stride I got asked the other day if my new book is for helping people to cope with self isolation and the pressures of lock down. My intention was to write a book that could be of help to people in all kinds of situations in 2020 and beyond as I am a believer that meditation can offer us so much.
Meditation can help us to come to terms and realise where we are right now in this very moment. We make peace with where we are. It is greater than this though. Meditation takes us to a place that is still joined to the very moment we are in now; yet it expands way beyond all of this. We enter a place so epic in magnitude that our situations and difficulties can become specks on this canvas of timeless potential. This place can be called The Peace Dimension. With peace Ryan One of the meditations in The Peace Dimension is known as The King or Queen Meditation. I just used it today so wanted to share something about it. It is done in a seated position and it is great for preparing for the day ahead especially, when you want to make the day ahead a productive one. This meditation also has some follow up steps. The practice should inspire us to think about those in our kingdom - not just our close family but also our friends and those who play some part in our lives.
Who can we reach out to today; what can we do to help them? Consider these questions; act upon them. This is the majestic way… With Peace Ryan It's here! I’m super pleased to announce the release of my new book: The Peace Dimension. Now available to buy from Amazon.
AuthorBorn in London, England, Ryan wishes to share with people how the mystical can be found in the moment, allowing great things to happen. Ryan is also a writer and social commentator who is currently working on a script and several new book titles. ArchivesCategories |